Manuka Suriyage
Cancer diagnosis through MEMS-based microfluidic devices: A systematic review
Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) provides a great opportunity to create devices that are capable of outperforming classical techniques in cancer diagnosis while reducing the cost and simplifying the process. Microfluidic applications can be found in so many fields. Microfluidic technologies can hugely benefit the cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Within the past decade, the interest in microfluidics for cancer diagnosis and treatment increased and so many novel devices were developed. I am working on a review article regarding the microfluidic systems developed towards cancer diagnosis.

Fibroblasts and tumor cells are used in cancer diagnostic device developments. Microfluidic based co-culture devices are developed to investigate the effect of fibroblasts in cancer cell invasion. Solid biopsy is the most common way of cancer diagnosis which is invasive, expensive, and time-consuming. On the other hand, liquid biopsy is more suitable and so many efforts are taken to improve the liquid biopsy technologies. Microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (mPADs) are another growing technology in medical diagnostics. I am performing an extensive literature study on these technologies to develop a fair comparison and trying to identify the future directions of microfluidics in cancer research.